Why does sorrow come? What are the causes of unhappiness in life?
Photo:  tblama.com.np

Does everyone want to know why there is sorrow in life? What are the causes of sorrow? So let us give you some information on this subject in this article. We all think sometime in our life that why do we feel sad? Why can't we be happy all the time? Everyone has a different perspective on this question. In our lifetime, we see many such unhappy people who are very miserable. We ourselves also experience sorrow many times in our life.

The truth is that this life is a confluence of both happiness and sorrow. But here there is more sorrow than happiness because this is Kalyug. The truth is that whoever took birth in this age remained unhappy, the one who is living now is also unhappy and the one who will take birth in the future will also be unhappy. But we have to know why does sorrow come? Can it be avoided? No, you cannot avoid sorrow, yes you can definitely reduce it. Because not only Kalyug but there are other reasons for sorrow. If we think deeply, there are many such things due to which we ourselves increase our sorrow.

Many people have to face sorrow as soon as they are born. Surely this is the result of a divine event. But many people face a lot of sorrow in spite of everything, and the reason for this is their own mistakes. However, you all must have heard that whenever we commit any sin, we are sure to get its result in the form of sorrow. Some are getting punished for the sins of their previous births, while some are suffering because of the sins committed in this birth. But is this the reason for unhappiness in life? Is God the only one who gives us sorrow? No, this is not correct. God definitely punishes us for our sins, but what about those people who do not even commit any kind of sin, yet they are suffering?

Do you know why this happens? from his own wrong decisions. God may give us happiness and sorrow equally but we increase the sorrow to a great extent through our actions and decisions. So the reason for the coming of sorrow is the human being himself. That when a good person goes astray from the path of life, God gives sorrow to bring him to his senses. So that a person can understand from the stumble that he is doing very wrong. So let's know again why we feel so much sorrow in life.

1. Due to wrong decision-making.
2. Excessive love of money.
3. because of sin.
4. Not knowing the truth of life.
5. Extreme love for the child.
6. Because of greed.
7. Love the body.
8. Because of anger.
9. Excessive love for someone else.
10. Because of being an atheist.
11. Deeds of previous birth.

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